
Crafting Your Unique Bravo Yogurt Experience with Marco Ruggiero

Dear Valued Customer,

As you may know, more than ten years ago I developed the Bravo (Do-It-Yourself) Kit with the idea to provide everything you need for the homemade preparation of a HIGHLY FERMENTED MILK/COLOSTRUM PRODUCT that has no competitors on the market.

Bravo Probiotic GcMAF Yogurt 13 week Kit

Bravo Kit containing the powders to prepare the final fermented yogurt-like product

Since the Bravo final fermented product looks like a yogurt I’ll call it, to make it short, Bravo yogurt but it’s important that you have in mind that it has nothing in common with any other similar products.

The Bravo Kit to make the Bravo yogurt contains several powders (a very wide array of ferments enriched in Bifidobacteria, a complex blend of enteric-coated bacteria, and organic Swiss cow colostrum) so that you can prepare at home a UNIQUE FERMENTED PREBIOTIC/PROBIOTIC/POSTBIOTIC product (aimed to restore our healthy microbiome) that you can customize the way you prefer.


First of all, you can choose the type of milk that you like the most. It can be cow's milk but also goat's, camel's or donkey's milk. I, for example, like to shop the best cow's milk that I can find in Arizona, a State with a great tradition in the field of zootechnics. And, to add to the flexibility, you can use ultra-pasteurized (UHT) milk, pasteurized milk or even raw milk, if this is available in your State or Country.

 Conchise County (AZ) rancher

Cochise County (AZ) rancher

 Another aspect of Bravo yogurt flexibility is that it can be eaten as a dessert for dinner (as I do) or in any other moment of your day and it can be part of many different diets including ketogenic diets; furthermore, Bravo yogurt can be flavored with fruits, chocolate or other natural additions that might make its taste even more delicious.


Bravo Probiotic

A few months ago, I happened to read in Yahoo! an article describing how an eminent Harvard scientist, Professor David Sinclair, was able to cut his biological age by ten years thanks to a nutritional routine. If you read the article, you will find that his morning routine comprises a “special” yogurt (see point 4 of his routine).

I also paste the link to the clip of an interview where Professor Sinclair explicitly mentions BRAVO YOGURT.

Even though I do not personally know Professor Sinclair, I have never met him and, as far as I know, he does not know me or my team, I am very pleased to know that such an eminent scientist, a world expert on nutrition and aging, has introduced Bravo yogurt in his nutritional routine.

If you think that you don’t have time to make Bravo yogurt at home or that it might be too complex, don’t worry. Due to its flexibility, to make Bravo yogurt is very easy; you don’t need any special tools or skills. The whole process is user-friendly and it takes just a few minutes of your time.

I hope that these notes of mine are of your interest and I thank you for being part of the Bravo community."

Yours truly,

Marco Ruggiero

Bravo products are available at Natural Solution NZ Ltd


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